Sequence advise VouchedFor on its sale to Fintel plc
This deal builds on Sequence’s longstanding track-record of advising both leading Digital and Professional Services subscription businesses.
VouchedFor is the UK’s standard bearer for trusted advice. VouchedFor is a leading review site for financial advisers, mortgage advisers, solicitors and accountants, serving over 5,000 intermediary customers. The website provides genuine and independently vetted reviews and is free for the public to use with advisers paying a subscription for membership.
Fintel plc is the UK’s leading fintech and support services business, combining the largest provider of intermediary business support, SimplyBiz, and the leading research, ratings and Fintech business, Defaqto.
Fintel provides technology, compliance and regulatory support to thousands of intermediary businesses, data and targeted distribution services to hundreds of product providers and empowers millions of consumers to make better informed financial decisions.